Kiss dry winter skin goodbye
Spring is about to be sprung. Time to kiss your dry skin winter blues goodbye!
The thought of a chemical peel makes most people nervous. This is due to misinformation and improper procedures performed by inexperienced practitioners.
At Get Beautified clinical grade skincare treatments are progressive and effective rather than overly aggressive. Downtime after a peel is 2-5 days based on skin type and treatment. Exfoliation often takes place at the cellular level and is not always apparent to the naked eye. Sensitive skins also benefit from procedures. Products with calming and soothing properties are used at end of each treatment.
Administered by an experienced professional, results of a peel are outstanding. Clients experience noticeable improvement in look and texture of skin after one session.
Before you know it the hot summer sun will arrive so schedule now! A custom peel takes 30-40 minutes and includes a complimentary post peel product kit. $85-100.